Ian Jackson’s Zooming Audio for Cyclists
For the first time ever Ian Jackson’s revolutionary Zooming CD for cycling has been digitized!
What They’re Saying
“The most powerful tool that can be imagined.” -Alexi Grewal, Olympic gold medalist & U.S. Bicycling Hall of Fame member
“Among the research that supports the principles of BreathPlay, which Jackson would eventually call "Zooming," is Daniel Wojta's study of 25 top cyclists at the University of Toledo. Wojta found that those riders who used BreathPlay significantly increased endurance and improved aerobic capacity by more than 17 percent. BreathPlay flips the active and passive phases of breathing upside down. As Jackson used to explain, "Instead of just sucking in and letting it out, try pushing the air out then let it back in." -John Howard & Gina Poertner
“I was in a press car and we were following the leaders on a long climb. I told the driver to pull up close to Lance (Armstrong), because I wanted to study his form. As we drew near, I could hear his breathing and I noticed that the rhythm was very unusual. Then it struck me: ‘Oh, my God, it’s the same pattern as on the Breathplay (Zooming) CDs!'” -George Beinhorn, Author of The Joyful Athlete
“His favorite technique, called switch-side breathing produces almost miraculous increaes in climbing speed and comfort — and it’s easy to learn. Skip Hamilton (a masters champion & national-class endurance athlete) picked it up from Ian Jackson, author of the book Breathplay, during snowshow runs around Aspen.” -Ed Pavelka, Editor Bicycling Magazine
“This is something I learned 30 years ago from John Howard and Ian Jackson (author of BreathPlay). The big picture goal is to be aware of your breathing all of the time!” -Tom Piszkin, Co-Founder & Chief Innovation Officer at JackRabbit Mobility
“After Ian taught BreathPlay to the US Olympic bicycle team, it went from a last placing team to the first placing team. BreathPlay has been the secret weapon of many of the top winning athletes of the world. John Howard, who was the greatest triathlete in the world of his time was powered by BreathPlay.” -Joa Janakoayas, President at University of Mount Shasta