
Ian Jackson’s Serendipity CDs featuring Easy Walk and Brisk Walk

For the first time ever Ian Jackson’s groundbreaking Serendipity Meditation CDs have been digitized!

Acousticoaching - A revolutionary learning system, the Serendipity CDs feature the Easy Walk and the Brisk Walk, helping you find harmony in breath-patterned movement.

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What They’re Saying

“The impact stress is greatest when your foot strikes the ground at the beginning of an exhalation. This is because when you exhale, your diaphragm and the muscles associated with the diaphragm relax, creating less stability in your core. Less stability at the time of greatest impact makes a perfect storm for injury." -Budd Coates, Author of Running on Air, discussing how SwitchSide breathing can prevent injuries

“Ian Jackson, a Dallas-based fitness consultant and inventor of a technique called BreathPlay, prefers a specific pattern to his exhalations. Most people fall into a 2-2 breathing pattern, in which they inhale while stepping left foot, right foot, then exhale while stepping left foot, right foot. But Jackson says that when the same foot hits the pavement each time upon exhaling, it puts extra stress on that side and strains the ankles, knees and hips. Altering your stride, by inhaling for three steps and exhaling for three steps, he says, "will automatically balance each side of the body and prevent one-sided injuries." -Linda Marsa, Award-Winning writer focusing on Science, Health, Medicine, and the Environment

“Ian is now deceased but his legacy is large. I first read his article “Yogarobic Running” in The Complete Runner, From the Editors of Runners’ World Magazine, 1978, in which he wrote about how deeply Iyengar Yoga had affected his running, which was the same as my story.” -Grace Graham, Author of Get Fit, Not Injured 

“By encouraging experimentation with breathing patterns and by subtly altering stride and body position to maximize breath efficiency, Jackson finds that he can make even the most experienced athletes perform better.” -Michael Kiefer, Author of The Ins and Outs of Breathing: Drawing On Physiological Expertise and Eastern Philosophy, Athletes and Trainers Are Exploring Breathing Techniques as a Means Of Improving Coordination, Body Efficiency and Control

“I recommend Ian Jackson’s delightful CDs, each of which contains a different breathing rhythm supported by music and encouragement.” -Joy Manné from her book Conscious Breathing: How Shamanic Breathwork Can Transform Your Life

“Although yogis of old knew well about the importance of emphasizing the exhalation and counting, I was impressed with its practical application by bicycle champion and fitness instructor Ian Jackson.” -Michael Issacs, MSW, NCPsyA, JD

“BreathPlay is a perfect adjunct to National Institute of Health Asthma Guidelines because the breathing technique helps them understand the mechanism of breathing and to relax for the inbreath.” -Betsy Thomason, BA, RRT

“I highly recommend (BreathPlay).” -Pam Grout, Author of Jumpstart Your Metabolism: How To Lose Weight By Changing The Way You Breathe